To Contact Us Via E-mail, please use the form below. Please make sure to check that your phone number and/or e-mail address has been entered correctly.. If you do not see a response from us within 24 hours, please check your E-mail spam folder or call us at 603-206-4364 and leave a voice message.
Typical Hours of Operation*
Tuesday 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M.
Wednesday 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M.
Thursday 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M.
Friday 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M.
Weekday Evening Hours Available by Appointment
*While we are usually in the office these hours, those coming from a distance may wish to call before leaving to confirm we will be open when you arrive.
171 NH Route 27
Raymond, NH 03077
(Located in the same building as Nick's Place restaurant.)
Please Note:
Depending on which service you use, GPS does not always bring you to our exact location. Please watch this quick video, or take note of the directions below.​
From Central/Southern New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts via Interstate 93:
Take exit 7 (route 101 east) and follow approximately 14 miles to Exit 5
Turn right off exit and proceed straight through two sets of lights (McDonald's will be on your right at the 2nd set)
At the 3rd set of lights (Irving Gas Station), turn left onto Route 27/107 heading west
Proceed one mile to the next set of lights and continue straight on 27/107
We are another mile down the road on the right side (in the same building as Nick's Place Restaurant)
From Southeast/Seacoast New Hampshire and Massachusetts North Shore via Interstate 95:
Take exit 2 (route 101 heading west) and follow approximately 16 miles to Exit 5
Turn right off exit and proceed straight through one set of lights (McDonald's will be on your right)
At the 2nd set of lights (Irving Gas Station), turn left onto Route 27/107 heading west
Proceed one mile to the next set of lights and continue straight on 27/107
We are another mile down the road on the right side (in the same building as Nick's Place Restaurant)